Children Whose Parents Have an Authoritarian Parenting Style Can Be

Often strict and rigid, authoritarian parents carry their kids to succeed the rules at all times. Simply are there some good things about this parenting stylus? We asked an good to weigh in.

Are you a more strict parent than your friends? Is your refrigerator decorated with task charts and menage rules rather than handprint art? Do you expect your children to obey, even if you don't give them a argue for the prevai you've successful?

If so, your parenting style is probably more authoritarian than whatsoever other type. You have high expectations of your kids, and you won't stomach with any of that "kids will be kids" nonsense.

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What is Authoritarian Parenting?

Authoritarian parents incline to be the all but strict parents out there and opposite of indulgent parents. They run to have lots of rules and regulations, but aren't willing to engage in any discussion nearly the rules, operating theater accept their children's feedback operating theatre opinions about them. While this sounds harsh, nigh authoritarian parents mean well, and firmly believe their parenting style will produce children WHO are capable, well-rounded, mellow-achieving members of society.

But often, this comes at a cost. Jeff Nalin, an award-winning licensed medical institution psychologist and founder of Paradigm Discourse Centers says, "children whose behavior is largely dependent on a nonindulgent regime of dos and don'ts will base their possess self-respect on whether or not they take up obeyed the rules put together into place by their parents. American Samoa swell, this emphasis happening lawsuit and consequence hinders a child's natural ability to make choices—choices that may have a direct bear upon on his or her self-esteem."

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Authoritarian Parent Traits

  • Tend to have an extensive tilt of rules they expect their children to follow
  • Consume a "children should be seen and not heard" approach to parenting
  • Give their children chores starting at a young age
  • Are highly focused on their children's base hit
  • Give firm consequences when rules are broken
  • Sometimes use threats or punishments to livelihood kids in line

Pros of Authoritarian Parenting

There's no doubt about it; children WHO grow up with despotic parents are often the near wellspring-behaved kids in the room. That's because they know there testament be "openhanded trouble" if they whole step out of blood line. But at that place are some pros of dictator parenting that all parents should be mindful of.

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And it's important to note that parents crapper use some tenets of despotic parenting mixed with other styles in an attempt to grow well behaved simply too balanced, healthy, and well-rounded kids. Nalin lists some pros of authoritarian parenting below:

  • Good behavior. With this type of parenting style, the rules are crystal clear. As a consequence, children have a good understanding of what is and ISN't satisfactory. They are also highly attuned to the negative consequences that can stem from wrong demeanour, so they will avoid stepping out of line.
  • Safety. Authoritarian parenting places a muscular emphasis on safety—both affectional and physical—which minimizes the types of risky behavior a child Crataegus laevigata occupy in. Children who clutches the outcome of a harmful action are more likely to keep one's distance from it.
  • Finish-driven. Children raised by authoritarian parents adhere to detailed plans that include precise instructions. Direct this structure, children can understand what steps need to live taken over in order to accomplish a end.

Cons of Authoritarian Parenting

O'er the years, countless studies have shown that this dash of parenting canful lead to kids World Health Organization suffer from depression and anxiety. Nalin shares single separate cons of despotic parenting that should be considered if you're adhering to this type of child-rearing.

  • Rule-dependent. Dictator parenting is based on enforced rules that children must continually adhere to. Unfortunately, once children are confronted with situations that don't already have constituted guidelines, they will feel insecure and timid of how to behave.
  • Reduced person-esteem. Emphasis happening cause and moment hinders a shaver's natural ability to make choices—choices that may have a direct touch on on his or her self-prize. Children who depend on others to uprise their confidence will often struggle in social situations operating theatre in new environments.
  • Rebellion. These children eventually uprise sick of the seemingly endless list of rules that is consistently tangled their way. Consequently, they will measuredly defy their parents by testing their limits, actions that could jeopardize their own safety.
  • Emotionally withdrawn. Children who are raised by autocratic parents tend to deficient away from expressing their emotions.

finger pointing

Credit: Example by Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Examples of Despotic Parenting

Based on what we've outlined above about undemocratic parenting, Here are a few scenarios that certify how authoritarian parents might handle everyday situations.

  • Screen clip: Authoritarian parents are most likely to place strong limitations on their children's screen time, operating room mightiness simply disallow it completely.
  • Bid dates: Children raised by authoritarian parents are most apt to take up a clear understanding of what must be done before going out to play with friends, and they know they will face consequences if those things are not done.
  • Food and treats: Authoritarian parents are most likely to adhere to the "eat Beaver State go hungry" school of thought when it comes to meals.

Children Whose Parents Have an Authoritarian Parenting Style Can Be


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